Drug Supply/Possession Case Studies
Drug Supply/Possession Case Studies
O’Brien Criminal and Civil Solicitors are expert drug lawyers. We have represented clients across a large variety of drug related offences including possession, supply, importation and conspiracy to import. We have assisted clients in Local Court trials, District Court jury trials, sentencing hearings and appeals.
Here are a number of successful cases where O’Brien Criminal and Civil Solicitors have secured a favourable result for our clients.
*Names have been changed to protect the identity of our clients.
Possession of Prohibited Drug
Cocaine possession at Music Festival
Hunter Valley music festival patron charged with cocaine possession. A Police drug sniffing dog detected prohibited drugs on our client.
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Drug Supply Charges Dropped After Client Found With Trafficable Amount Of MDMA At Listen Out Festival
SM was attending the “Listen Out” music festival in Randwick. After a drug sniffer dog indicated drugs on SM at the entrance, SM admitted he was in possession of prohibited drugs secreted in his underwear. SM produced two clear plastic bags containing nine capsules of MDMA. We successfully represented SM, who received a fine for the possession charge and whose supply charge was withdrawn.
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CRO For Client Charged At Lost Paradise Festival
Police charged CN with possession of two prohibited drugs at the Lost Paradise Festival. We represented CN who entered a plea of guilty for the two matters. With a successful outcome, CN was sentenced to a Community Release Order without conviction for a period of six months.
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Police Find Client Possessing One MDMA Pill At A Music Festival
Police charged SS with possession of a prohibited drug at a music festival. We represented SS who entered a plea of guilty for possession of a drug. SS received the best possible outcome of a 12-month conditional release order, without conviction, to be of good behaviour.
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No Conviction Recorded For Initial Admission To Drug Possession At Music Festival
A young client was found with a prohibited drug at a music festival. He pleaded guilty to possessing a prohibited drug.
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Non-conviction Order for client found with small amount of MDMA
CSH was found with a small quantity of MDMA whilst attending a music festival. He pleaded guilty to the charge of possession a prohibited drug.
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Teaching career saved, after client charged with possession of drugs at a festival
A sniffer dog detected a MDMA pill on SXM whilst she was attending a music festival on the Central Coast of NSW. Police arrested SXM on a charge of possessing prohibited drugs.
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District Court Appeal for client charged at a music festival with possession of drugs
JD appealed to the District Court having been found guilty and convicted of an offence of possessing a prohibited drug.
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Ketamine possession: Eastern Suburbs pub patron charged
Eastern Suburbs pub patron charged with ketamine possession. Police alleged our client went to a public bar at Double Bay in Sydney with prohibited drugs.
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Prohibited Drug Possession: Conditional Release Order (CRO)
Charges of possessing a prohibited drug under the Drug Misuse and Trafficking Act, following a drug sniffing dog operation in a pub in Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs
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No Conviction Recorded Against Student Found With MDMA At Mardi Gras
Police arrested a student for possess MDMA & pleaded guilty. Conviction would hurt his career. Defence lawyers argued good character, remorse & unlikely to reoffend.
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Community Release Order (without conviction) for client found with one MDMA tablet
Sam attended Candyland Mardi Gras after-party held at The Ivy Nightclub. Before walking into the club, drug detection dogs indicate that he was carrying drugs. Upon searching him, they find MDMA in his pocket.
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Non-Conviction Order For Teacher Charged With Possession Of Cocaine
TM was approached at a bar by police with a drug detection dog. He was found with a bag of cocaine and subsequently detained and questioned by police. TM was worried about the charge because a conviction would jeopardise his career as a teacher. After pleading guilty, we helped TM gain a non-conviction order during his sentencing hearing.
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Trafficable amount of MDMA found on client at night club
Dom was found with possession of MDMA at a dance club. The weight of the MDMA was of a trafficable quantity.
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No conviction recorded for client found with MDMA at a Mardi Gras after party
Police were patrolling the public entrance of a Mardi Gras after party when one of the drug detection dogs brought MBH to police attention. He declared to the police that he had pills in his trousers.
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We appeal a harsh sentencing for client charged with possession of a prohibited drug
Police charged our client with possession of cocaine after police searched him at a nightclub. He cooperated with police and pleaded guilty at the earliest opportunity. Despite this, he was fined $500 and his conviction was recorded. We helped UDJ appeal the sentence on the grounds of severity.
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No conviction for client charged with DUI
Police charged WS with driving under the influence (DUI) of a prohibited drug. We successfully determined the police had filed the charge one day after the six month time limit.
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Successful outcome for client charged with driving under the influence of prohibited drugs
Police suspected RR was driving under the influence of illicit substances after he crashed his car. He was in possession of the drug Ice (Methylamphetamine).
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No licence suspension or disqualification for client charged with driving with illicit drugs
Random drug test (RDT) on roadside showed Illicit drug in oral fluid. The driver admitted using cocaine. Our traffic lawyers prevented jail & licence loss.
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Conditional Release Order (CRO) With No Conviction For A First Time Drug Driving Offender
Conditional Release Order (CRO) with no conviction for a first time drug driving offender for Sydney man who smoked a joint a day before.
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Client admitted to having illicit substances and Police then charged him with possession of a prohibited drug.
However, he got a verdict of not guilty on voir dire application to the court.
Our lawyers then made an Assault and Battery and False Imprisonment claim.
Police charged Warren with possession of a Prohibited Drug while on bail. The magistrate took into account his health issues and convicted with no other penalty.
Conviction with no other penalty
One of our experienced drug defence lawyers represented a client charged with the possession of a prohibited drug (cocaine) in their sentencing hearing. As he had previous section 10s, he ended up getting a fine.
Read the Client charged with possession of cocaine case study here.
We’re of the firm belief that incarceration does not help people suffering from drug problems. Discover how we enabled a client to continue his successful drug rehabilitation program in Byron Bay.
Read the Drug rehabilitation program continues after client receives intensive correction order case study here.
Possession of prohibited drug (methamphetamine), assaulting officer occasioning actual bodily harm (AOBH) charges laid after scuffle at Coles store in Sydney.
Read the Successful outcome for client charged with possession of prohibited drug, assaulting officer occasioning actual bodily harm case study here.
YM entered Redfern Police Station in inner-city Sydney to report that he had been mugged. During a discussion, he produced a large, clear plastic bag from the back pocket of his pants and made admissions he was carrying drugs. We successfully represented YM, who entered a plea of guilty to two counts of possession of a prohibited drug. YM received a Community Release Order (without conviction) for a period of 18 months.
Read the Client receives no conviction for drug possession charge case study here.
Police charged AV with possession and use of prohibited drugs including the possession of a weapon. We were instructed to enter pleas of guilty to all charges. We were ultimately successful in receiving a Community Correction Order for a period of 12 months for our client, an ideal outcome based on the penalties that could have been applied.
Read the Client receives successful outcome for charge of drug possession case study here.
WB’s home was searched by police during a search warrant procedure and located prohibited items. Aside from this, WB was charged with a supply of prohibited drugs which carries a 15-year maximum sentence. Pleading guilty, WB received the best possible outcome with the substantial supply of drugs. WB was sentenced to 24 months of an Intensive Correction Order to be served in the community.
Read the Client receives best possible outcome for possession of prohibited drugs case study here.
Police charged BI with possession of a prohibited drug within the bathroom area of Coogee Pavilion Hotel. BI received the best possible outcome of a 12-month conditional release order, without conviction, to be of good behaviour.
Read the No conviction recorded for client charged with drug possession case study here.
Police charged a young client with possession of cocaine. We successfully represented him in his sentencing hearing where the magistrate recorded no conviction on the condition that he enter into a good behaviour bond.
Read the No conviction recorded for young person charged with drug possession case study here.
Our client was attending a party where he took some MDMA caps. He was stopped by police, searched and then charged with the possession of a prohibited drug. We assisted MR with an application to dismiss the proceedings under section 32 of the Mental Health (Forensic Provisions) Act arguing that MR suffered from depression which caused him to commit the offence.
Read the Charges dismissed by way of mental health provision case study here.
Police charged XE with possession of cannabis after police found some on his premises. Our defence lawyers made an application for the matter to be dealt with under the mental health provisions. Our submissions included a psychiatric report and statements from family members regarding XE’s struggle with mental illness. The magistrate granted the application and the matter was discharged.
Read the Application for matter to be dealt with under mental health provisions case study here.
MHA’s car parked outside The Star when police officers pulled up near his car and conducted a stop and check believing that they had the power to do so. Police searched his vehicle and found a small amount of drugs. Police arrested and charged him with possession of a prohibited drug. Our drug lawyers argued that the police acted outside their lawful powers when they stopped and searched MHA given that parking outside the Star was not a reasonable grounds for a search. These arguments were successful which meant that the evidence against MHA had been unlawfully obtained. The charges against our client were dismissed.
Read the Defence lawyers successfully get charges dismissed after arguing that police acted outside their lawful powers case study here.
BOI was identified by a drug detection dog as carrying cocaine in her bra. She was charged with possession of a prohibited drug. We assisted BOI in her sentencing hearing where we provided several character references to the judge. BOI was given a non-conviction order conditional on the successful completion of a good behaviour bond.
Read the case study here.
MJA was an inmate at a NSW prison. Following a family visit, MJA was searched by Corrective Services who found a packet inside his underpants that contained tobacco and cannabis. He pleaded not guilty to the charge of possession of a prohibited drug, claiming that he was taking care of the package of tobacco for a friend, and was unaware that the package also contained marijuana. MJA was found to be guilty but was sentenced to a non-conviction order based on the legal argument that the offence of possession required the prosecution to prove that MJA had actual knowledge or belief that he was holding a prohibited drug.
Read the Non-conviction order given to inmate charged with possession of a prohibited drug case study here.
Police charged KM with drug possession, and a conviction would affect his career as a medical practitioner. After pleading guilty, we assisted KM in preparing for his sentencing hearing. The charges were dismissed with no conviction recorded.
Read the Drug possession arrest and charge case study here.
Police charged our client with possessing a prohibited drug after police alleged that she was in possession of two ecstasy tablets when searched by police. EG pleaded not guilty, and we represented her in her trial at Fairfield Local Court. We successfully had the charges withdrawn and dismissed against her.
Read the case study here.
JD appealed to the District Court having been found guilty and convicted of an offence of possessing a prohibited drug. We represented JD in his appeal to the District court where we presented evidence of his good character in the circumstances surrounding the offence. The District Court quashed the fines and conviction recorded in the Local Court and dismissed the charge.
Read the Successful appeal to the District Court resulted in conviction being quashed case study here.
During a police patrol our client was approached by a drug detection dog. He was found with the drug Ketamine. He pleaded guilty to being in possession of a prohibited drug. During his sentencing hearing, the Magistrate took into consideration the fact that it was a small quantity of prohibited drug, he was of good character and had no prior convictions. Based on these factors, the Magistrate imposed a no conviction order and placed him on a good behaviour bond.
Read the Ketamine detected by drug detection dog case study here.
Police charged PS with one count of supply of a prohibited drug, and one charge of possession of a prohibited drug. After entering a plea of guilty, we represented PS in his sentencing hearing. We presented strong character evidence, proven attempts at rehabilitation, and the impact on his career. PS received a discharge without record of conviction and a good behaviour bond.
Read the No conviction recorded for client charged with possession and supply charges case study here.
Should a young man who made a mistake, did not lie to police, and with no prior criminal history have a conviction recorded against him?
BH was found with possession of methylamphetamine after being searched as a result of a drug dog operation. BH pleaded guilty to possession of a prohibited drug. We helped BH with his sentencing hearing with a focus on the fact that there were no drug matters on BH’s criminal record. He was convicted but given no further penalty.
Read the case study here.
Supply of Prohibited Drug
An experienced drug lawyer negotiated with the police in relation to a drug supply charge. Only 1g of heroin was involved, so there was no trafficking charge.
Read the case study here.
Police charged DJ with supplying prohibited drug (cannabis), dealing with proceeds of crime, & failing to appear in accordance with bail acknowledgement. The charges resulted in a section 10 conviction with no further penalty.
Read the case study here.
A police Strike Force investigating a drug syndicate charged 17 people in relation to their roles in the syndicate. Our client faced 4 different charges.
However, plea negotiations by criminal defence lawyers results in some charges being withdrawn.
Read the case study here.
Police charged BG with supply and possession of prohibited drug. BG has been diagnosed with number of health issues as a result of a tumour predisposition syndrome. We acted for BG who pled guilty for the two charges. The charge for supply was withdrawn by police after successful representation. The charge for possession resulted in an 18-month conditional release order without conviction for BG.
Read the case study here.
LH was sentenced for two counts of supplying drugs on an ongoing basis. LH was on parole at the time of committing the offence. We represented LH who entered a plea of guilty for the two counts. His Honour did not consider it appropriate to commence the sentence from the time LH was arrested, and a 25% discount to sentencing was applied for early guilty plea.
Read the case study here.
MWG was approached by an undercover policeman who befriended him and asked him for help in obtaining drugs. He took money from the undercover cop and used to buy cocaine for him. Police arrested MWG and charged him with supplying a prohibited drug. He pleaded guilty to the charge with the Local Court recording a conviction against him, sentencing him to a good behaviour bond and a fine.
Read the case study here.
Four charges laid against BC in respect of drug supply charges. We assisted BC to enter into a plea negotiation where he pleaded guilty to two of the charges in return for the prosecution discontinuing the other two charges. He was sentenced to a 2 year good behaviour bond for the two charges.
Read the case study here.
MM was pulled over by police who then proceeded to search MM’s vehicle. The police found 500 grams of cannabis and several hundred dollars in MM’s possession, and subsequently charged him with supply on prohibited drug. He was also charged with dealing with proceeds of crime on the basis that the police suspected that the money in his possession were proceeds of sale of drugs. He pleaded guilty to the charges. We helped MM present his sentencing case where we emphasised his age, lack of prior convictions, and a psychological report. No conviction was recorded and MM was placed on a good behaviour bond.
Read the case study here.
Police charged PK with supply of prohibited drug. We entered pleas of Not Guilty to the supply charge in court which was ultimately dismissed. Instead, O’Brien Criminal & Civil Solicitors successfully negotiated for the lesser charge of Possession of Prohibited Drug. Ultimately, we sought a non-custodial sentence of a Community Corrections Order for the duration of 12 months for PK.
Read the Client receives successful outcome for drug charge after negotiation case study here.
Drug Importation Charges
Police charged TB with the offence of drug importation, which has a maximum penalty of 5 years and/or a fine of $170,000. TB entered a plea of guilty to the charge early in the process. We represented TB in her sentencing hearing and managed to get a sentence of two years and three months with a good behaviour bond in place on expiry of the sentence.
Read the case study here.
Client acquitted of conspiracy to import and possess prohibited drug charge after 10 week jury trial
Australian Federal Police charged XX in connection with a conspiracy to import and possess 35kg of cocaine. The prosecution alleged that XX had knowledge of the contents of the drugs inside a shipping container that a drug syndicate from Mexico imported. However, XX maintained that he had no such knowledge, and was caught up in the illegal activities of his clients. We represented XX in his 10 week jury trial where we called on a large number of witnesses, and assisted XX in giving evidence in his own defence. The District Court jury acquitted XX of the conspiracy charge.
Read the case here.
Contact O’Brien Criminal and Civil Solicitors on (02) 9261 4281 for legal advice on your case. The first consultation is free.
More Case Studies:
Proceeds of Crime
Our client sought legal representation after police charged her with holding the proceeds of crime.
Earlier that year, police issued a search warrant for her house, where they found a bag with a large amount of cash in it.