2023 BLOGS

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Double Demerit Points – Loss of Driving Licence Lawyer

Double Demerit Points – Loss of Driving Licence Lawyer Loss of Driving License Lawyer If you have lost your driving license over the festive season, our criminal lawyers are here to help. At this time of year, there are more traffic police monitoring the roads. Additionally, many states have enforced double demerit points. Double demerit

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Police Watchdog Only Investigated 1% of Complaints Made Against Officers

Police Watchdog Only Investigated 1% of Complaints Made Against Officers Following several high-profile deaths involving the police, the NSW Law Enforcement Conduct Commission (LECC) is pushing for stricter authority in internal police investigations. One of those deaths was 95-year-old Clare Nowland. In this case, an officer tasered her to death. Chief of the police watchdog

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indefinite immigration detention

NZYQ Immigration Detention Judgment

NZYQ v Minister for Immigration Decision Reaffirms Chu Kheng Lim Principles Questions on constitutional and human rights have risen across Australia this week. As a result of the ruling in NZYQ v Minister for Immigration, politicians are scrambling to find a response to the outcomes of this case. This decision resulted in around 140 people being

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Hate Speech Laws Changes in NSW​

Changes To Laws On Hate Speech in NSW​

Change To Hate Speech laws And Threats Of Violence in NSW This week, the NSW government changed the hate speech laws and those around threats of violence. Following their growing concerns over the rising number of protests recently, the government enacted the new bill. It makes it easier to prosecute any offender after police charge

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Police Unlawfully Arrest

Pro-Palestinian Demonstrators Under Arrest At Port Botany Protest

Police Arrest 23 Pro-Palestinian Demonstrators In Port Botany Protest On Tuesday, NSW Police forcibly removed activists at a Port Botany protest. Around 400 pro-Palestinian activists were protesting the unloading of an Israeli-owned shipment.  The demonstration, organized by The Palestine Justice Movement Sydney (PJMS), saw major roads blocked. Reports state that police arrested 23 people, after

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Appeal a conviction

Constable Daniel Keneally Found Guilty Of Fabricating Evidence​

Constable Daniel Keneally Found Guilty Of Fabricating Evidence Constable Daniel Keneally, the son of former senator, Kristina Keneally, has been found guilty of fabricating evidence with the intent to mislead a judicial tribunal. The evidence that Keneally gave resulted in Luke Moore going to prison. However, Keneally’s criminal defence lawyer said he is going to

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NSW Police Deny Cover-Up Of Senior Inspector Drunk Driving

NSW Police Deny Cover-Up For Senior Inspector’s Drunk Driving Offence The press has accused the NSW Police of a serious cover-up. According to reports, a senior detective crashed his car while drunk last year. As a result, he faces drunk driving charges.  Last May, CCTV caught the officer drinking around 20 alcoholic beverages in two pubs.

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O’Brien Criminal & Civil Solicitors
p: 02 9261 4281
a: Level 4, 219-223 Castlereagh St,
Sydney NSW 2000

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