Successful Claim for Terminally Ill Client who was Abused by Father whilst in Care

Seeking Justice for Abuse whilst in the Care of the State of Victoria

Civil Claims for Sexual Assault, Battery and Child Sexual AbuseAnne* was under the care of the State of Victoria when she was young. During this time, she suffered repeated sexual abuse by her father. As a result, Anne decided to sue Victorian Government to get compensation. In addition, the case was characterised as the worst sexual abuse of the Royal Commission into Institutional Abuse.

Anne's Urgency for a Verdict

During the hearing, Anne was terminally ill with brain cancer. It was vital that we get a quick verdict for her. To do this, we pushed for the matter to move quickly to mediation. We were aware that lengthy court proceedings were not an option. 

Therefore, Jake Edwards, our Civil Solicitor, had to act with urgency. We wanted to ensure Anne had the opportunity to receive the justice she deserved. 

Sue Victorian Government: The Final Outcome

Upon a successful mediation, Anne won her case. We got the State of Victoria to come to the table with a significant sum of damages and compensation. After this, Anne sadly passed away. In the end, her estate received the funds. 

With our help, Anne received justice for the abuse. In addition, we were able to make her abusers accountable.

Protecting Your Rights with Experienced Civil Lawyers:

If you or someone you know experienced historical abuse, please get in touch. It is important to seek legal advice and support. Our law firm has experience in handling such cases. In addition, we can help guide you through the legal process. Similarly, we will ensure that you know your rights. 

In conclusion, we’re here to help. Contact us on (02) 9261 4281 to set up a free appointment with our Civil lawyers in our Sydney office. 

*We changed the name for client confidentiality.


O’Brien Criminal & Civil Solicitors
p: 02 9261 4281
a: Level 4, 219-223 Castlereagh St,
Sydney NSW 2000

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