October BLOGS

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District Court has power to order Permanent Injunctions, Court confirms

District Court has power to order permanent injunctions, Court confirms

The District Court of NSW has confirmed it holds the power to grant permanent injunctions. In a defamation case handed down last week by Her Honour Judge Gibson, the Court awarded the Plaintiff a permanent injunction. This confirms the court’s powers which were somewhat uncertain to date. Food blogger eats words after Court orders him

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Instagram food fight: Court clarifies approach to social media defamation

In a decision handed down on an Instagram defamation case earlier this week, the District Court set clear guidelines for how the court must address social media defamation. Last Monday, Her Honour Judge Gibson handed down a decision in relation to defamatory posts made on various Instagram videos. Importantly, Her Honour addressed some important questions

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O’Brien Criminal & Civil Solicitors
p: 02 9261 4281
a: Level 4, 219-223 Castlereagh St,
Sydney NSW 2000

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