Bail laws for NSW youths

New Bail Laws for NSW Youths Will Make It Harder For Young People To Get Bail ​

Bail laws for NSW youths

New Laws Tighten Bail Laws For NSW Youths

In some huge legal news, the Premier of New South Wales has decided not to raise the age of criminal responsibility to 14 in NSW. Instead, they are introducing new bail laws for NSW youths. These will make it tougher for teenagers to get bail. Additionally, the new rules aim to criminalise posting about crimes on social media. 

The Minns Labor government is bringing in these changes. They are also putting $26.2 million into a programme to reduce youth crime in regional NSW. 

Bail laws for NSW youths

Law Society of NSW, Brett McGrath, welcomed the proposed funding. However, he expressed concern about the bail changes for NSW youths. He said they were introduced without meaningful input from experts. Therefore, the laws could potentially lead to more harm for NSW youths.  

Furthermore, critics are also not happy. They made similar arguments, stating that these new laws were quick, reactive responses to the problem. They also said that the rules may result in more children being jailed. Therefore, moving the NSW further away from its goals. 

New conditions for bail laws for NSW youths 

The changes include an extra test for 14 to 18 year olds charged with certain serious offences while on bail. It will require assurance that they won’t commit further serious crimes if granted bail again. Additionally, offenders posting online about their crimes could face two more years in prison. This is a strict crack down for NSW teens. However, the consequences might be severe. 

Dangerous activities posted on social media include driving at high speeds or breaking into houses. 

There is a wider debate in Australia around youth crime. People questions if the age for charging and incarcerating a child should be raised from 10 to 14. However, the Premier clarified that raising the age of criminal responsibility is not currently part of the government’s plans.

Bail changes 

Meanwhile, the government will also invest $13.4 million in a pilot program in Moree. This initiative aims to:

  • Build bail and support accommodation, 
  • Enhance youth services, 
  • And provide resources for local and children’s courts. 

However, reform advocates criticised the legislative changes. They argue that punitive measures may not effectively reduce crime and could harm children further. What do you make of the new bail laws for NSW youths?

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Nicole Byrne
Nicole Byrne Content Creator | Media Coordinator O'Brien Criminal & Civil Solicitors

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