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Royal Commission into Australia’s Aged Care Sector

If you have a loved-one living in an aged-care facility, keep your eyes out for the upcoming Royal Commission into Australia’s Aged Care Sector that has been announced by Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

Investigations reveal a trend of abuse

Elderly people living in aged care are extremely vulnerable because they are heavily reliant on aged-care workers to look after their basic needs. Australia’s ageing population also means that more Australians will require aged care services in the future. It is therefore crucial that Australians have confidence that their needs, and those of their loved ones, are handled in an appropriate manner.

The inquiry comes after investigations into some facilities revealed a “disturbing trend” of elderly people being abused and a lack of compliance with required standards.

For example, the Oakden nursing home scandal in South Australia revealed that elderly patients with dementia that resided at the facility had been abused for years. This resulted in the facility being shut down.

Alarming statistics revealed

It has been reported that in the past financial year, there was a 177 per cent increase in the number of aged-care homes where a serious risk to residents was identified. There was also a 292 per cent increase in the number of facilities that refused to comply with the required rules and standards. These statistics are alarming and indicate the need for vigilance to ensure that systemic problems within the aged care sector are addressed.

The Royal Commission is welcomed and will look at the quality of both residential and home aged care. The inquiry will also examine how young Australians with disabilities are cared for in residential facilities. It will take a few weeks to confirm the terms of reference.

Make a Submission

With almost a decade worth of expertise in representing clients in Royal Commissions, O’Brien Criminal and Civil Solicitors is ready to advocate for individuals who have been victims of abuse by the aged care sector.

We strongly encourage anyone with useful information to come forward and to contribute to an inquiry that can assist in addressing widespread problems in the aged care sector. Call us on (02) 9261 4281 to book a free consultation with one of our solicitors.

Royal Commission into Australia’s Aged Care Sector means an older person may need legal representation.
The Royal Commission into Australia’s Aged Care Sector will look at the quality of both residential and home aged care., as well as how young Australians with disabilities are cared for in residential facilities.
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Peter O'Brien

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O’Brien Criminal & Civil Solicitors
p: 02 9261 4281
a: Level 4, 219-223 Castlereagh St,
Sydney NSW 2000

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