domestic violence offenders

Police Arrest Close To 600 Of Their Most-Wanted Domestic Violence Offenders in NSW

domestic violence offenders

Police Arrest Close To 600 Of Their Most-Wanted Domestic Violence Offenders in NSW

In a big crackdown, NSW police arrested close to 600 domestic violence offenders. The public’s opinion that law enforcement believe domestic violence matters are private family business is damaging. Therefore, police must take cases seriously. 

The policing blitz, Operation Amarok V, ran for four days last week. It targeted offenders across NSW. Hopefully, these arrests will save countless lives. Domestic violence is one of the leading causes of criminal death, especially for women.

Operation Amarok V NSW 

During the four-day operation, police arrested 590 people. This brings the total number of arrests to 3000. A NSW police representative said they used special strategies to target dangerous domestic violence offenders. Officers also said they are going to continue this important work. 

Deputy Commissioner Mal Lanyon said police targeted offenders that posed big threats to victims. Lanyon also encouraged victims to keep coming to the police. Additionally, he promised that police were taking these matters very seriously. Above all, he said victims should not live in fear.

Lanyon called the operation ‘relentless.’ He said there is no safe space for domestic violence criminals. However, it wasn’t just domestic violence that kept the police busy. In addition to the arrests, officers looked for guns and weapons. 

Rising domestic violence offences in NSW  

The amount of NSW domestic violence cases is a big concern. According to reports, one in four calls to the police in NSW is for domestic violence. 

Experts also called for the need for a balance between punishment and rehabilitation. Basically, there needs to be tough punishments for some. However, the opportunity for offenders get help is also important. Experts have also noted that the alcohol industry is to blame. 

Also, studies show pornography is increasing sexual violence cases. Therefore, experts say we need to enforce strict age controls for pornography.

If police charge you with domestic violence offences, contact us straight away.

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Nicole Byrne
Nicole Byrne Content Creator | Media Coordinator O'Brien Criminal & Civil Solicitors

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