Heal Country, heal our nation 2021 NAIDOC Week

Heal Country, heal our nation: 2021 NAIDOC Week

Heal Country Celebrating NAIDOC Week July 2021The theme of NAIDOC week 2021 is all about healing country. Healing country calls for stronger measures to recognise and protect, and maintain all aspects of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and heritage.

“Country is inherent to our identity.

It sustains our lives in every aspect – spiritually, physically, emotionally, socially, and culturally.

It is more than a place,” NAIDOC stated in an explainer of this years theme.

Walking with Communities

Tonight at 7pm, the NSW Greens are hosting a virtual event with two prominent First Nations activists. The intent is to hear the power of walking with communities, as opposed to dictating outcomes.

Greens MP David Shoebridge will join Trish Frail and Helen Eason, speaking about how they have worked together, and their challenges and opportunities.

Helen Eason and Nelly’s Healing

Helen Eason is the Founder and CEO of Nelly’s Healing, a Sydney based service creating change for Aboriginal people through healing. With lived experience of the institutions and agencies that continue to falter in their services to Aboriginal people, Helen’s vision, strength and commitment to her mob’s healing is as real as she is. A proud Gomeroi and Biripi woman, Helen has five children and two grandchildren. Her family is a driving force for her visionary work in the creation of Nelly’s Healing Centre. Helen continues to conquer adversity and multiple obstacles to ensure that healing can and will be achieved for Aboriginal people. Aboriginal people have been traumatised over generations due to the loss of their land, genocide, abduction of children and deaths in custody.

Patricia Frail of Brewarrina

Patricia Frail is a local Ngemba women who is concerned about the communities of Brewarrina Shire in North-West NSW, especially the Barwon River. Demonstrating her dedication and commitment to her community and culture, Trish runs a cafe where all cooked food is “food with a native twist”.
Trish stood up to Coca-Cola and told them that she would not sell their products and advised them not to come back to her shop. In 2019 Trish successfully campaigned to prevent a nuclear waste dump being built in Brewarrina, with support from the Greens. Trish is the mother of four girls and one boy and strives to be a role model for them, as well as all of her family and the community of Brewarrina.
The event will be live from 7pm tonight, available at this link.
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Sarah is a civil solicitor who primarily practices in defamation, intentional torts against police, privacy and harassment.

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Sarah Gore
Sarah is a civil solicitor who primarily practices in defamation, intentional torts against police, privacy and harassment.

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