traffic charges in NSW

Facing Traffic Charges in NSW? Here’s What You Need to Know

Traffic offences are some of the most common legal problems in NSW. At O’Brien Solicitors, we regularly help clients with all kinds of traffic charges in NSW. These include drink driving, drug driving, and speeding offences. It’s important to understand these offences and the consequences that come with them.

Drink Driving charges in NSW

Drink driving is taken seriously by the courts in NSW. Penalties can range from fines and license disqualification to prison time. Your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) and prior offences will influence the severity of the penalty.

If you’ve been charged with drink driving, remember:

– Stay silent when questioned by police.
– Ask for a copy of your breath test results.
– Get legal advice immediately.

Even low-range drink driving can lead to losing your license. For more serious charges, like high-range or repeat offences, you could face jail time. A traffic charges lawyer can help you understand your rights and defend your case.

Drug Driving traffic charges in NSW

Drug driving offences are rising in NSW. Unlike drink driving, any trace of certain drugs in your system is an offence. There’s no “legal limit.”

If you’re charged with drug driving:

– Don’t admit anything to the police.
– Request a secondary analysis of your test sample.
– Speak with a lawyer before your court date.

Our team of experienced criminal lawyers in NSW can challenge the accuracy of the roadside drug tests and help find the best defence for your case.

traffic charges in NSW

Speeding Offences traffic charges

Speeding is one of the most common traffic offences in NSW. Most cases involve fines and demerit points, but more serious offences can lead to license suspensions or court hearings.

If you’re facing a speeding charge:

– Verify the accuracy of the speed detection equipment used.
– Consider if there were any emergencies that justified your speed.
– Discuss your defence options with a lawyer.

A traffic charges lawyer may help reduce your penalties or avoid a conviction altogether.

Consequences of Traffic Charges in NSW

The penalties for traffic offences go beyond fines. You could face:

– License suspension or disqualification.
– Heavy fines.
– Jail time for serious or repeat offences.
– Impacts on your job, especially if driving is essential for your work.
– Higher insurance premiums.

We know how stressful traffic charges can be. That’s why our traffic lawyers in NSW are dedicated to defending your rights and achieving the best possible outcome. We work hard to reduce the impact on your life and guide you through the legal process.

Need Help with Traffic Charges?

Don’t deal with traffic charges alone. Contact O’Brien Solicitors for expert legal advice and a free consultation*. Our legal team are highly experienced defending traffic charges in NSW. They will fight for you and help you navigate the legal system with confidence.

Criminal lawyer for traffic charges in NSW

If you or someone you know needs criminal defence for traffic offences, get in touch with our criminal lawyers today. Please call (02) 9261 4281, or email . In some cases, we can help arrange a free, confidential consultation for you.*

Read our other successful traffic offences Case Studies.

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O’Brien Criminal & Civil Solicitors
p: 02 9261 4281
a: Level 4, 219-223 Castlereagh St,
Sydney NSW 2000

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