unlawful strip search

DO v State of NSW – Client receives compensation for claim of wrongful arrest

Facts: State of NSW Transit Officer assaults rail customer

DO, the Plaintiff, entered a NSW railway station to board a train. Whilst inside the station, the Plaintiff became aware that the platform he desired was closed and proceeded to leave the station.

Two Transit Officers approached the Plaintiff and demanded that he produce his rail ticket. The Plaintiff presented his ticket to the two Transit Officers and the Plaintiff was then asked by the Transit Officers to move to a separate area of the station to continue discussions, which the Plaintiff refused.

The Plaintiff was pushed by one of the Transit Officers, tackled to the ground by both Transit Officers and handcuffed. The Plaintiff was informed he was under arrest but was not given a reason why by the Transit Officers.

Police then arrived, and after only speaking to the Transit Officers, informed the Plaintiff that he was under arrest. He was then taken back to the police station and placed in a cell. Upon viewing CCTV footage from the incident, the Police informed the Plaintiff that the allegations of the Transit Officers could not be sustained and he was released without charge.

Outcome: Sue Rail Corp NSW for Assault, Wrongful Arrest, Battery and False imprisonment

We were able to successfully assist DO by bringing an action against the State of NSW and Rail Corporation NSW for assault, battery and false imprisonment. DO received compensation after an informal settlement conference.

O’Brien Criminal and Civil Solicitors are able to pursue your possible claim anywhere in Australia. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with O’Brien Criminal and Civil Solicitors today on 02 9261 4281 or by email at       


O’Brien Criminal & Civil Solicitors
p: 02 9261 4281
a: Level 4, 219-223 Castlereagh St,
Sydney NSW 2000

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