9 June 2021

Strip-searches on youth should be illegal, Ombudsman says

The NSW Ombudsman has stated that naked strip-searches performed on three children in view of CCTV cameras were unreasonable. The Ombudsman also recommended outlawing such searches. Three children climbed onto the roof of the Frank Baxter Youth Justice Centre in November 2019 and refused to come down. According to a report tabled in Parliament on […]

Strip-searches on youth should be illegal, Ombudsman says Read More »

Strip-searches on youth should be illegal, Ombudsman says

NSW Parliament starts comprehensive inquiry into Coronial system for first time since 1975

The NSW Upper House has agreed to establish a Select Committee to inquire into and report on the coronial system in NSW. The Coroners Court is an important and vital process that can significantly impact the lives of many individuals. However the court hasn’t had a comprehensive review since 1975. From the Lindt Seige to

NSW Parliament starts comprehensive inquiry into Coronial system for first time since 1975 Read More »

NSW inquiry established into Coronial Inquest system
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