28 April 2021

Over 5000 strip searched with nothing found still get permanent police record

Thousands of people have been left with a permanent police record after strip-searches, despite the searches coming up clean. Data from Redfern Legal Centre shows that between 2018 and 2020, over 5,500 people had their details recorded in the central police database after being strip-searched. Police found none of those people with anything illicit. Sixty-one […]

Over 5000 strip searched with nothing found still get permanent police record Read More »

Over 5000 strip searched with nothing found still get permanent police record

O’Brien Criminal & Civil Solicitors instructed to vigorously defend defamation claims from Dutton

DUTTON vs BAZZI MEDIA RELEASE 27 April 2021 O’Brien Criminal and Civil Solicitors have been instructed to vigorously defend defamation proceedings brought by the Minister for Defence, Peter Dutton, against our client, Shane Bazzi. Mr Bazzi expressed an honest opinion on Twitter that Peter Dutton was a “rape apologist”. This opinion was based on a

O’Brien Criminal & Civil Solicitors instructed to vigorously defend defamation claims from Dutton Read More »

Media release
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