Defamation Charge Against Newspaper For Kidnap Story

Defamation charge: Young Woman Incorrectly Suggested As Kidnapper


A Young Woman Sues Australian Media House

defamation charge

In September, we represented a client for a defamation charge.

First of all…

What is Defamation?

In English, defamation is easy to explain. If someone says something about another that makes others think less of someone, then that is defamation. Simple.

However, legally, defamation is complicated. So it is vital to seek professional advice from defamation lawyers. Recently, the laws related to defamation changed. In NSW, the Defamation Act of 2005 covers this topic.

Newspaper Guilty of Defamation Charge

In this case, our client, Anna*, wanted compensation from a media publication for a defamation charge. The newspaper ran a story about a kidnapping.

However, the headline and adjoining story made it appear that Anna did it. This was because they printed a large colour photo of Anna.

In reality, Anna was not the instigator of the crime. She even attempted to stop the crime.  Therefore, it was unfair of the newspaper to portray her like this. In addition, Anna was underage.

As a result, Anna was subject to badgering by the media. Furthermore, an online article even stated what suburb she lived in.

Damage to character due to Defamation

In the end, they found Anna innocent. However, the events damaged her character. People recognised her from the  article. In spite them blurring her face she was recogniseable. As a result, many people believed she was the main offender.

Our client lodged a formal complaint. As a result, the media house took down all digital evidence of the story and images.

There are several acts that protect children from matters such as this. For example, child protection policies state that:

 “Special care must be taken in the use of the material concerning a child.” These laws showed our client had a case for the defamation charge.

Compensation for Defamation Charge in Australia

Anna wanted an apology and compensation from the newspaper. In February, the client decided to take action for the defamation charge. Later that year, we held a successful mediation for our client.

Anna received an apology letter and compensation from the media house.

*We changed the name of the client for confidentiality.

We can pursue your possible defamation claim anywhere in Australia. Please don’t hesitate to contact us today on 02 9261 4281 or by email at .

*Names, locations, and other minor details have been changed to protect our client’s identity. 

Related Posts on Defamation. 

$150K awarded for social media trolling in defamation case.
Defamation Law: Reputation is the New Currency.
Suing the ABC for defaming an Aboriginal Elder.


O’Brien Criminal & Civil Solicitors
p: 02 9261 4281
a: Level 4, 219-223 Castlereagh St,
Sydney NSW 2000

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